Pure Stock 1970 Ford Torino 429 Super Cobra Jet Beast

1970 ford torino 429 super cobra jet 4-speed

Owner of this iconic 1970 Ford Torino Cobra powered by the mighty 429 Super Cobra Jet motor paired with a top-loader 4-speed transmission with a Hurst shifter for about 8 years, Jeff has been working on the muscle car to make it look and run like it came from the factory.

1970 ford torino cobra factory showdown race car

However, his goal is not to go from show to show and win trophies, Jeff actually races his 1970 Ford Torino Cobra at the Factory Showdown class and shares some interesting info on how to overcome the challenges when racing with a pure stock muscle car.

Check out REVan Evan's video to see this 429 Super Cobra Jet 1970 Ford Torino and hit the Like!


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