Tough Chevy Nova Built by 22-Year Old Gearhead

garage built 1970 chevy nova

Alfredo's 1970 Chevy Nova build is far from perfect, there is no doubt about that, but that's OK. The dude saved the money, bought the car when he was 18-year old and built it with his brothers in their backyard. I mean, how many guys his age would do that?

1970 chevy nova budget build

Alfredo certainly deserves some respect for the backyard 1970 Chevy Nova build, but I was really impressed by the messages he sent to the youth. You don't need a big budget, just buy what you can afford and start from somewhere, you can learn how to do things, don't save money on parts, etc.

1970 chevy nova build

I just love seeing young guys being passionate about classic cars and build them with patience, one thing at a time. These are the true hotrodding roots. Check out the Four Speed Films video for the full story of Alfredo Aguilar and his backyard built 1970 Chevy Nova. Don't be shy - Show some Love!


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