Pristine 1968 Mustang GT 390 In Lime Gold Green

1968 ford mustang gt 390 4 speed

Chevy Guy Who Owns Iconic Classic Mustang!

Being a Chevy guy since very early age Cliff Batson always admired the classic Mustangs as well and he acquired a 1968 Ford Mustang GT in 1990. Being one of the most beautiful muscle car designs and quite popular because of the Bullitt movie this vehicle is in pristine shape and will impress every classic car fan.

lime gold green 1968 mustang fastback gt

Cliff's 1968 Mustang GT also wears a rare and very cool looking color called Lime Gold Green, tons of options, the high performing 390 cubic inch Ford V8 engine backed by a 4-speed manual that he has installed and some interesting documentation that you'll be able to take a look at.

Check out Lou's video for more details and don't forget to SHARE!