Turbo MEDUSA Mustang Wheelstander | Drag Racing

medusa turbocharged mustang drag racing

Crazy Cobra Mustang by Voodoo Racing!

If you are a fan of drag racing this turbocharged Cobra Mustang a.k.a Medusa certainly is one of those cars to keep an eye on. Packing a built 4.6 liter V8 engine stroked to 5.0 and boosted with 88mm turbocharger to put out over 1000 horses the Voodoo Racing Innovations built Mustang looked high into the sky at its very first pass.

voodoo racing turbocharged cobra mustang medusa

After the driver almost put the Cobra Mustang on its rear bumper, the crew managed to put the power under control and achieved what they were aiming for - an 8 second pass. We are definitely looking forward to see more of the Medusa Mustang in 2016.

Check out 1320video from the race track. Watch, Enjoy & Share!


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