The 305 Small Block Winged Mopar at 1971 Daytona 500

305 small block dodge at 1971 daytona 500

Today we are going to do some time traveling going back to 1971 at the Daytona International Speedway, where Richard Brooks almost made history driving Mario Rossi's 1969 Dodge Charger Daytona powered by 340 small block engine destroked to 305 cubic inches.

richard brooks mini motor winged mopar 1971 daytona 500

Watching the video you will see Richard Brooks taking the lead when Pete Hamilton got on his way, and they bended fenders at 177mph. Obviously, that accident made it impossible for Brooks to win the Daytona 500, but it was great watching him run with the Big Block cars and hold its own behind the wheel of the Mini Motor Winged Mopar.

Play the Unity Motorsports Garage video to see all the action from the 1971 Daytona 500.


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