Andre's Red 1965 Coronet 500 Convertible Story

This beautiful 1965 Dodge Coronet 500 Convertible, owned by the charismatic Andre Soubliere, isn't just a car—it's practically part of the family, having spent two whole decades with them. Imagine the stories this car could tell!

1965 dodge coronet 500 convertible

Every time Andre takes this baby out for a spin, you can bet a dollar that heads are turning left and right. This Coronet 500 is like a rolling piece of history, with most of its components holding steadfast to their original form. Sure, the paint got a fresh coat a while back, but that's just like giving your old friend a stylish new outfit.

1965 dodge coronet 500 convertible 361ci engine

While it's rocking that original 361 ci engine under the hood, it's no dinosaur. This engine's heartbeat sounds strong enough to make your heart skip a beat. Trust me, I could practically feel the rumble through the screen when I watched the video.


Hit the play button and take a quick ride with my friend Lou and Andre in this '65 Coronet 500 Convertible!


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