427 Side Oiler 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1 Race Car

427 side oiler ford mustang mach 1

It has been a while since we featured one of Matt Taylor's nice finds, and this 1969 Mustang Mach 1 is a real treat. Mean old school appearance and Ford's mighty 427 Side Oiler powerplant paired with a 4-speed tranny, the Stallion is all business.

1969 ford mustang 427 race car

The race car's history is unknown, but I surely enjoyed listening to the High Riser 427 engine idle while watching the 1969 Mustang Mach 1 quick walkaround video. I am pretty sure most of you will enjoy it as much, so turn up the volume and hit the Play.


Want Action? See the "Krazy Hoss" Ford Mustang Race Car Story!

ford mustang 427 krazy hoss
Click on the Photo for the Krazy Hoss 1969 Mustang Story