Cute Little 1,400hp Chevy Nova Street Car

blown chevy nova street car

Owner of this "Cute Little" Chevy Nova since the 1980's, Mark Scheib enjoys his blown 1,400 horsepower muscle car on both the streets and the race track. Play the first video to listen to the blower surge while Mark is doing some adjustments, and once you get tired of it, scroll down to the second video to see the Chevy Nova in action.


The Chevy Nova is a true street driven car involved in fun activities like pissing off the neighbors early in the morning or catching the eyeballs while picking up a Christmas Tree at Lowe's.

blown chevy nova street car

Mark and his son Payton never stop working on the beast, and it looks like it has a lot of potential. The Blown Chevy Nova didn't hook very well on the first pass, but then runs an almost flat 5-seconds 1/8 pass at 141mph.

Check out the drag racing video to see the 1,400hp Chevy Nova in action.


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